会 社 规 章
Rule 1. Defination
(A) “Club(s)” shall hereinafter denote “Club(s)/Societies”or any other organisation of student activities.
(B) “The School” shall denote “ Sabah Tshung Tsin Secondary School” or “Sekolah Menengah Tshung Tsin Sabah.”
(C) The “CCA Master” shall denote the “Assistant Co-curricular Activities Master”.
(D) The “Asst. CCA Master” shall denote the “Assistant Co-curricular Activities Master”.
(E) The “TICO Clubs”shall denote the “Teacher-in-charge of Clubs”.
(F) The “Asst. TICO Clubs”shall denote the “Assistant Teacher-in-charge of Clubs”.
Rule 2. Objects of Clubs
(A) To cultivate and promote the interest of students, especially those who have enrolled themselves as members in the activities of clubs.
(B) To provide opportunities and facilities for the training of young leaders not only among the students themselves but also in all walks of life for our future community and nation at large.
(C) To further consolidate friendship among students in general and among club members in particular.
(D) To undertake, if decided upon by a Member Conference or instructed by the School Authority.
i) The preparation and organisation of competition or tournament.
ii) The editing, printing and publication or a news sheet, magazine or other printed literature for the advancement of the interests of a club and its members.
Rule 3. Membership
(A) Unless otherwise approved, a student of the school shall apply for membership and become member of at least one club.
(B) A student is not permitted to become a member of more than two clubs.
(C) Once a member is accepted in a club, he/she is not allowed to change his/her club without the prior consent from the CCA Master.
Rule 4. Fund
(A) The rate and time of Entrance fee and Annual / Monthly subscription shall be decided by the Member Conference of a club.
(B) Special subscription may be levied on members of a club in times of need upon the approval of the Committee and the subsequent approval of the CCA Master.
(C) Special fund may be raised by the Committee of a club subject to the approval of the CCA Master.
(D) Subsidy will be allocated from the CCA Department to all the clubs and the amount allocated will be dependent upon the aims, organisations and memberships of the clubs.
(E) Any amount of money left over by a certain club at the end of each year will be retained and transferred to the same club next year.
Rule 5. Organisation
The Executive Committee below is to be elected by the members of each club during the 1st Member conference.
(i) Chairperson;
(ii) Vice Chairperson;
(iii) Secretary;
(iv) Treasurer;
(v) 1-9 Committee Members;
Rule 6. Duties
(A) The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of his/her club and the responsible for the proper conduct of all such meetings. He/She shall represent his/her club in its dealings with other clubs.
(B) The Vice Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson in carrying out his/her duties and shall deputies the chairperson in his/her absence.
(C) The Secretary shall be responsible for conducting all correspondence and keeping all documents and papers of the clubs and shall submit to the CCA Clerk each term a copy of his/her Secretary report/club activities planning.
(D) The treasurer shall be responsible for collecting and safe-keeping subscriptions of all kinds. He/she shall keep a clear and constant record of every sum of money spent. And, a complete record of such shall be presented to the Auditor for verification at the end of each term.
Rule 7. Meeting
(A) The General Meeting shall be held at least once and the first of such shall be within the 3rd and 4th weeks of 2nd term. The date, the time and place for such meeting shall be decided and informed by the Advisers of the club.
(B) The Adviser shall, as routine, officiate the opening of the first annual General Meeting of a club. He/She shall hand over the meeting to the new chairperson as soon as the latter is elected by the meeting.
(C) Committee meeting shall be held at least once each term; and the first of such in each term shall, with the presence of its adviser(s), work out and itemize the club’s plan or activities for that particular term.
(D) If a club is planning for a private function such as barbeque, tea party or activities involving outsiders or using the school’s premise and hall, the club has to apply through the CCA Clerk.
(E) A club has to apply five weeks before hand to the Outside school activities section should it plan on activities outside the school.
Rule 8. Advisers
(A) There shall be at least one adviser for each club and the CCA Master shall be the adviser for all clubs.
(B) Only the staff of the school may become the advisers of any clubs.
(C) The Committee of a club may invite persons from outside the school to become their Hononary Advisers or instructor upon the consent of the CCA Master.
(D) The CCA Master authorised an appropriate teacher to be the Auditor for every club and audit all the accounts of each club.
Rule 9. Application of leave
Any student who is sick and unfit or for some other reasons, unable to attend club’s activities / meeting can apply for leaves from the Co-curricular activities leave section.
Rule 10. Grading system on student performance in club’s activities.
(A) Student assessment records on Co-curricular activities are supplied to the Adviser of the respective clubs by the TICO Clubs. These records are to be returned to the TICO Clubs on or before the date mentioned on the CCA calendar each term.
(B) The above system is based on the following :
Attendance: 50% 
Performance: 20% 
Attitude: 10% 
Extra-ordinary Performance: 20%